In 2025, we introduced a new type of flush-mounted box for exterior blinds, the PURbox PBI20, to our customers. Until now, we have produced this type of box as an atypical solution. We have thus expanded our group of purenit boxes with insulation.
The PURbox lintel is a modern structural building element that serves to create space for exterior shading in the lintel area.
This element is ideal for buildings without a contact thermal insulation system (ETICS) and can be easily adapted to most commonly used wall systems.
Due to the sufficient internal space, various types of shading technology such as exterior blinds, roller shutters or screen blinds can be installed in it.
From the Association of Manufacturers of Shading Technology and its Parts (SVST), our company has received the Verified Company in Shading Technology certificate for 2025,
which is awarded to technical companies that are a verified and reliable supplier of shading technology and its parts.
Electrical preparation must be carried out before the implementation of the KZS. The advantage of the purenit box is that we can drill the penetration anywhere in the right part of the box without disturbing its properties.
Since September 2024, we have had the PURbox ® trademark registered for our products (the system of concealed Purenit boxes).
PURbox is made of purenit structural board and PIR insulation. Both materials fall into the category of duroplastic materials (does not burn, does not melt, does not drip).
Concealed purenit boxes are an effective and aesthetic solution for installing exterior blinds, which not only improves the appearance of buildings, but also ensures their energy efficiency and longevity. Purenit boxes prove to be an ideal choice for modern construction focused on quality and efficiency.
The foundation profile or the mounting U profile (as it is sometimes also called) is an important element for the installation of purenit flush-mounted boxes. By being mounted in the frame of the window frame, it ensures the horizontal flatness of the box.
We use PIR insulation for purenite boxes. It is 42% more effective than polystyrene and 71% better than mineral wool. In addition, it meets the demanding requirements placed on the materials used in the facade and especially around the windows. It is a duroplastic material that does not burn and does not support burning.
R+T, the world's leading trade fair for blinds, gates, gates and sun protection systems, attracted experts from all over the world from 19 to 23 February 2024. It was held at the Stuttgart exhibition grounds, and is visited by tens of thousands of people every year.
Obecně zde platí pravidlo, že když je nabídka až podezřele levná, nemusí být z dlouhodobého hlediska vůbec finančně výhodná. Proč se jako investice vyplatí právě purenitové boxy jsme pro vás sepsali v tomto článku.
Od Sdružení výrobců stínicí techniky a jejích částí (SVST) získala naše firma pro rok 2022 certifikát Ověřená firma v oboru stínicí techniky, který se uděluje technickým firmám, které jsou ověřeným a spolehlivým dodavatelem stínicí techniky. Co tento certifikát znamená? Certifikát je vydáván SVST, které dlouhodobě zaštiťuje obor stínění v České republice. Certifikát si nelze koupit, …
One of the breakthrough discoveries on the market is purenite. Check with us what purenit is and what its advantages are for your construction project.
Did you know that up to 40 percent of the heat from your home escapes through windows and doors? It's not just their incorrect seating or bad sealing, inappropriate, insufficient or too old insulation can also be to blame.